Abstract:Functional equivalence theory is put forward by American translation theorist Eugene A.Nida. It consists of three aspects: meaning, style and reader’s response. Based on equivalence in meaning and style of the text, it emphasizes that the target reader should respond to the target language message with substantially the same way as the source language reader do to the original. It focuses on the readers’ response. The theory could be applied to guide prose translation. Yu Guangzhong is a famous writer who is good at prose. Summer in West Europe is one of his works which could reflect his writing style and techniques. Zhang Peiji is a famous translator who is skilled in prose translating and he translated Summer in West Europe. In the thesis, the author tries to study Summer in West Europe on the basis of functional equivalence theory in order to have a further understanding of prose translation.
The paper consists of five chapters. Chapter one begins with a brief introduction which presents the background as well as aim and significance of the paper. Chapter two is literature review which gives an introduction to the functional equivalence theory. Chapter three introduces prose translation and the writing style and techniques of Yu Guangzhong’s prose and the translation theory and translating style of Zhang Peiji. Chapter four is the core part of the paper. The author studies the translating piece from the prospective of functional equivalence. Chapter five is a summary of the whole paper. In the end, the writer offers some suggestions for further research.
Key Words: functional equivalence theory ,prose translating , Summer in West Europe
关键词:功能对等 散文翻译 《西欧的夏天》