Abstract:Oscar Wilde, with his great work--The Picture of Dorian Gray, draws attention not only from the literary world but also the modern society.
Wilde's aestheticism are mostly reflected by the leading role--Dorian Gray. Dorian himself is the representative of aestheticism, who is so beautiful, charming and perfect that everyone admires him, even including himself. Therefore, he makes a Faustian bargain with devil to keep his beauty forever, which shows the pure pursuit of art and some hedonistic thoughts of Wilde. Besides, all the readers will be sure of the painter Basil's homosexual tendency in the novel. Actually, Wilde himself was also a homosexual in real life. He had a clear view about himself and hoped that homosexual can be accepted by the public. His tragedy made people doubt the traditional way of thinking and the existing model of bisexual love. Then many people started thinking of the possibility of both models existing in the society. The novel shows Wilde's multiple personality and his contradictory dispositions as an artistic thinker, an aesthetic clown, a social critic, a snob, a predictor, and even a dandy. Oscar Wilde, who is so controversial and contradictory, said in his narration that "Dorian Gray is what I would like to be"(Oscar, 1891).
Aestheticism of Oscar Wilde, his homosexual tendency and multiple personality can all be found in The Picture of Dorian Gray. By exploring the relationship between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray, the intensive connection between them is revealed. It deserves the great research and the highest value in the literary world. The essay focuses on the relationship between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray from an view as objective as possible, thus to more deeply and better understand the complex figures of Oscar Wilde.
Key words: Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray, aestheticism, homosexuality, multiple-personality