ABSTRACT:Wuthering Heights is the only novel of Emily Bronte in her life. The plot is mainly about the love story between Heathcliff and Catherine. Love, hatred, and revenge and restoration of humanity in Heathcliff are not only the essence of the novel, but also one of its storylines. Another storyline is Catherine’s life --- from her love to the betrayal of her love to her death. Critics have different opinions and they analyze theses characters from different aspects
This paper mainly analyzes the tragic love experience between the hero and heroine. Through characters analysis, complicated relationship among the characters is revealed. Although love between Heathcliff and Catherine goes far beyond the normal love, yet theirs can be described as the ideal love in the world. However, in a capitalistic society, it is hard to fulfill their wonderful dream. Death, to them, is the rebirth of love.
This paper is divided into 3 parts. Part one is mainly about love, hatred, resentment and humanity restoration of Heathcliff. Part two is the analysis of Catherine. Part three is reasons of the tragic love, such as social root, characters etc.
Key words: Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights ,Heathcliff,Catherine, Love and hatred.
In the Victorian age,women had no social and economic status. The limitation of the women’s aspiration for education in a society is a problem, because public and professional spheres are distant to them. The only conceivable occupation that is suitable for restless young women like Bronte is schoolteacher. After the failure of the post, Emily Bronte chose to go back home. Her passions and her independent personality are repressed by the dull housework. She poured her passions into these characters, especially Heathcliff and Catherine, her fury, bitterness, and repression.
The research of the topic is significant in the following aspect. On the one hand, with the combination of historical background, we can find the duality of the characters of Heathcliff, who has finally discarded hatred and reveals that humanity is kind and precious. On the other hand, the tragic story, due to the contractictoriness of the values in the capitalist society and world, can offer us some insights into what love is all about.