ABSTRACT:After its first publication, Wuthering Heights has attracted a great deal of academic interests. There are various studies from different perspectives, like that of feminism, and its themes. This thesis is concerned with the development of the love story in Wuthering Heights, and attempts to explore the reasons why the deep and intense love ended up into a regretful tragedy. By using the method of documentation, i.e. reading the original work and the studies at home and abroad, this thesis explores the roots of this tragic love from the aspects of social background, the weaknesses of Catherine and Heathcliff, and the twisted mentality of Heathcliff. Therefore, a conclusion comes into being: it is not only a love tragedy, but also a character tragedy, a mentality tragedy, as well as a social tragedy. Finally, the background is taken into consideration that at that time capitalism developed rapidly, and reached its climax at the 19th century, which brought about great changes in many fields like economy, culture and society. In this way, it is easy to have the significant conclusion: the tragic love in Wuthering Heights is essentially the production of the irreconcilable contradiction betwween nature and civilization; of social change; as well as of capitalism development and the penetration of capitalism values.
Key words: Wuthering Heights; tragic love; Catherine; Heathcliff; social background
关键词:《呼啸山庄》;爱情悲剧;凯瑟琳;希斯克利夫; 社会环境
In the novel, the author tried her best to depict this tragic character—Heathcliff, who was evil, brutal and cruel. He had wicked soul and distorted humanity and what he had done can never be justified in our moral system. In fact, Heathcliff committed so many crimes: he destroyed Hindley, tortured Hareton, and little Cathy ruthlessly. His callousness and cruelty made people tremble with fear. He should never be forgiven for his sin from every aspects. However, it is not difficult to find that he should not assume full responsibility for this tragic love story and he was just a crazy revenger—the victim of the tragedy.
It is Catherine that directly caused the tragedy. She knew very clear that she had no affection for Linton and Heathcliff was the only reason for her life, but she betrayed her love because of her vanity and selfishness, and her wrong choice between love and reality. However, if women’s status in Victorian times is taken into consideration, we will find that Catherine’s choice was determined by the social background. Women’s value only lay in marriage, which was judged by money. Marrying the rich men became the dream of all those women. Otherwise, they would be treated as worthless. It was under this circumstances that Catherine betrayed herself as well as her affection.