ABSTRACT:Translation is an important skill in language learning. As English majors, in the practice of translation, we may meet many and various problems. The translation of long sentences from English into Chinese is a typical one. Nowadays,English long sentences can be found everywhere in scientific, technical and other discourses. They make comprehension and translation difficult, and often cause misinterpretation on English--Chinese translating. How to translate English long sentences becomes a key topic in translation studies. So it is of realistic and profound significance to study the problems of long sentence translation from English to Chinese.
Previous studies on the translation of English long sentences are mainly concerned with techniques of transferring the English long sentence,limited to a few basic general rules. Long sentence translation is an area that demands more in-depth and comprehensive studies and that is what the paper aims at. By exemplifying,the paper firstly compares the differences between English and Chinese languages, then discusses the factors which influence English long sentences translation, and finally delves into the basic processes and commonly-used skills of translating them.
Key words: english long sentences, understanding, translation, strategies
摘要:翻译是国际及各种不同语言文化间交流的最重要的手段,而句子是翻译的基本单位,也是语篇的基本单位。因此,译好句子可以为语篇翻译打下良好的基础,也是译者应具备的基本技能。 目前,几乎所有的英文翻译没有不涉及到长句的翻译的,英语长句的翻译历来是英汉翻译中的难点之一,以往对这方面的研究大都着眼于总结翻译长句的经验和技巧,这些方法对翻译长句无疑提供了有价值的指导作用。但是,除了方法的研究外,长句翻译还涉及许多其他方面,值得进行更深入的研究,而这也是此文撰写的目的。
English- Chinese long-sentence translation is, in general, quite difficult for even the most experienced translators, so much practice is needed before a translator can really be at ease with long-sentence translation. However, it should be pointed out that, only practice is not enough. Besides a lot of practice, a good translator should also read a large variety of possible English and Chinese books in all fields in order to be familiar with all types of sentence styles and acquire a fairly large scope of knowledge.
In this thesis, we have discussed the steps and methods in translating long English sentences into Chinese, however, in fact, the steps and methods of translating long Chinese sentences into English are the same as those in English-Chinese translation. Therefore a brief discussion will be provided here.
Understanding and expression are, similarly the two steps to be taken in Chinese to English translation of long sentences. To understand the correct meaning and structure of the sentence requires the translator to analyze the main structure of the sentence, to find out the relations of the clauses, and to get the general idea of the sentence; Expression means to express the meaning in a natural way in English. After understanding the original sentence, the translator should rearrange the clauses and modify the translated version to maintain the original style of the sentence.