Abstract:Dubliners, a noteworthy collection of fifteen short stories with more female characters than any other works of James Joyce, is a milestone in the history of English short stories. However, due to the limitation of historical environment of his time, Joyce inevitably presents Irish women as being submerged, and he is accused of misogyny for this by many critics. This thesis systematically analyzes the oppressing social forces that place women in all inferior position and tries to present a clear picture of these submerged people that has long been neglected.
To begin with, the introductory part of the thesis illustrates the biographical account of James Joyce, briefly introduces Dubliners, and provides foreign female critics’ view on Joyce.
The second part introduces responses of the women in the stories in different phases of their life to their situation. Among all the female characters, there are docile and obedient young girls, manipulative and overbearing mothers, and desperate married housewives.
The third part attempts to demonstrate that the women in Dubliners as victims of conventional tradition, Dublin men’s Narcissistic Complex, and Dublin women’s own maternity.
The conclusion part summarizes that through the depiction of the destiny of women in Dubliners, Joyce intends to tell the reader that passivity and femininity of Dubliner women is the product of the patriarchal society. Unlike being labeled as a misogynist, he detests the hypocritical and overpowering patriarchy, and he is sympathetic with women.
Key Words: Dubliners, the submerged people, patriarchal society, feminism.