Abstract:This paper focused on the relationship between oral English performance and personality, differences in strategy using between introverted and extroverted English majors. The method of survey was applied in this study, which included a Personality Type Test and a self-report questionnaire on oral English learning strategies. All the data of the survey were collected and processed by a computer program of statistical analysis, SPSS. The informants for this study were 40 female junior students of Ginling College, Nanjing Normal University majoring in English. The results showed that there was a clear correlation between personality and oral English performance. Extroverted students tended to have better oral English performance. Though introverted and extroverted students had many differences in psychological area, there were no many differences in adoption of learning strategies. After analyzing the learning strategies of both introverted and extroverted English majors in developing English speaking, suggestions for both teachers and students are provided.
Key words: personality, oral English, extroversion , introversion, learning strategy