Abstract:Under the guidance of constructivism and autonomous learning theory, this paper focused on the reality of autonomous network study of English majors in Ginling College, Nanjing Normal University. According to the researches conducted by Wu Shao-yue, an English teacher from Guangdong University of Technology, autonomous network study can be utilized to better support the traditional study. Based on this, the author designed a questionnaire to explore the reality in Ginling College and try to find a solution for the relevant problems occurring in these students' autonomous study. 106 students in Ginling College responded to the questionnaire and the data was later analyzed with the software of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science). According to the results, the English majors in Ginling College have got less autonomy than expected and they have difficulties choosing the right resources on line for study. Therefore, the author proposed a specialized platform on-line to provide sufficient sorted materials and all kinds of training activities for the English majors to gain their autonomy and find their own solutions to diffident study tasks.
Key words: Constructivism, Autonomous network study, English major
关键词:英语 自主学习 网络学习 xx学院