Abstract:In the translation field, the choice of translation strategies and the principles of translation have ever been big issues under discussion. However, translation never happens in a culture vacuum, and cultural aspects in translation receive growing attention recent years. With a general review of Lin Yutang’s translation theories in his essay On Translation, this thesis made a study on Mr. Lin Yutang’s translation strategies of culture-specific concepts in his English version Six Chapters of a Floating Life. Through the analysis, it is found out that in translating culture-specific concepts, the translator generally adopts two strategies: source language culture-oriented foreignization and target language culture-oriented domestication. Culture-specific concepts in Six Chapters of a Floating Life discussed in this paper are classified into three areas: place names, modes of addresses, and social customs. With a further discussion on the translation approaches of those culture-specific concepts, the result indicates that in Six Chapters of a Floating Life, domestication strategy predominates over foreignization strategy in translating the culture-specific concepts.
Key Words:Translation strategies; Lin Yutang’s translation principles; culture-specific concepts; domestication; foreignization
摘要:在翻译研究领域,翻译策略的选择和翻译原则一向是备受争议的话题。而翻译的进行又离不开文化,翻译中文化因素的处理在近年更是受到了越来越多的关注。本文以林语堂的翻译理论为依托,重点研究了林语堂的英译本《浮生六记》中特定文化词语的翻译策略。通过举例分析,作者发现译者对特定文化词语的翻译大体采用了以下两种策略:以源语文化为归宿的异化策略和以目的语文化为归宿的归化策略。本文作者讨论了《浮生六记》中以下三种特定文化词语的翻译:地名、称谓和习俗,并通过进一步分析得出:在林语堂的《浮生六记》英译本中, 对于特定文化词语的处理,译者采取的是归化为主、异化为辅的翻译策略。