Abstract:Translation is an interdisciplinary subject. The application of aesthetics in translation captures more and more attention, which becomes a new field in translation studies. The study value of translation aesthetic is reflected in the practical study of literature translation, functioning as the guidance and methodology of how to make satisfactory transfer of the aesthetic value of ST (source text). As a form of literature, poetry boasts of rich language, high compactness and unique artistic value. The application of translation aesthetics in the translation of poetry does great help in conveying the inner aesthetic beauty of the works. Sonnets from the Portuguese is the sonnetsequerice (十四行组诗) written by the British female poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806—1861) with rich language and unique aesthetic value, and is well-known and regarded as the treasure of English literature in history. However, little study has casted the particular scope on exploring the aesthetics perception of its Chinese versions, which becomes a shining point for study. This dissertation tries to make a comment on the four Chinese-translation versions of the poem How do I Love Thee? ( authors of the translation versions: Fang Ping,Fei Bai, Luo Ruobing, and Xu Yan) in terms of translation aesthetics from four aspects including beauty of sound , content, form and artistic conception, and will focus on the analysis of the aesthetic features of these four Chinese versions, the exploration of the proper principles of poem translation, and the aesthetic value of these versions transferred to TT (target text) readers with an aim of highlighting the important role of aesthetics in translation. It is with hope that this research would help to provide reference for further study of poem translation from the perspective of translation aesthetic.
Key words: translation aesthetics; poem translation; aesthetic transference
摘要:翻译是一门跨学科研究。美学于翻译的应用越来越得到人们的关注,成为了翻译学论研究的崭新领域。翻译美学的研究价值主要体现在对文学翻译实践的研究,在传达原作美感的问题上为我们提供了指导和方法论。诗歌作为文学的一种表现形式,语言丰富,高度凝练,艺术美感独特。美学理论于翻译的应用能使诗歌译品展现美感。《葡萄牙人十四行诗》是英国女诗人伊丽莎白·芭蕾特·勃朗宁夫人(1806—1861) 创作的组诗。这部诗歌集语言优美,蕴涵独特的美感,为不少人所传诵,是英国文学史上的珍品之一。然而,从翻译美学视角去评析白朗宁夫人十四行诗的研究所见甚少,这也成为本论文研究的一个闪光点。本论文从美学视角出发,通过从“音美,内容美,形式美,意境美”等四个方面比较评析勃朗宁夫人十四行诗集中的“How do I Love Thee?”四个汉译本的得失(译本作者:方平,飞白,罗若冰,徐艳),分析四个译本的美学特征,译者所运用的美学翻译原则,从而更加肯定美学在翻译尤其是诗歌翻译中的指导作用,也希望借此为日后从翻译美学角度研究诗歌提供参考借鉴。