Abstract:John Fowles who has been regarded as a "postmodernist" writer is not only an important but also influential novelist in contemporary Britain. His masterpiece The French Lieutenant's Woman, a classical novel that shed light on the women's discovery of self-hood and seeking of freedom, has been acclaimed by the critics after its publication. Fowles's fascinating delineation of the heroine, has been studied from different perspectives by many critics.
This dissertation attempts to make a in-depth analysis of the heroine in The French Lieutenant's woman, from the perspective of feminism, combining with historical background. How Sarah struggles for her self-hood and freedom, and how she fights against the restricted values as well as the rigid moralities in the historical context of the Victorian era. This thesis mainly focuses on the analysis of the awakening and embodiment of her feminist consciousness.
After a detailed analysis, we can figure out that what leads to the awakening of Sarah's feminist conscious, and how she transforms into a "new woman"successfully. What's more, readers could have a more in-depth understanding on the women in Victorian era, who had encountered many difficulties in the persuit of self-hood and freedom. After the interpretation, it can cause some social concerns over the feminine consciousness. Women's voice can be heard by more people, so women don't have to keep silent any more, instead, they could have more courage to fight for their rights.
Key Words: The French Lieutenant's Woman;Sarah Woodruff;Feminist Consciousness
摘要:约翰·福尔斯是英国当代文坛最重要的小说家之一。 他的代表作《法国中尉的女人》是以女性的自我发现和追求为主题的经典文学著作。《法国中尉的女人》一问世,就获得了广大读者和文学评论界的好评。围绕着作者对作品中女主人公萨拉这一形象的精心塑造,不少评论家从不同的角度进行了探讨。