Abstract:With the rapid development of international economic, worldwide circulation of commodities has become faster and wider. More and more foreign goods were pouring into China, and at the same time, many of the manufacturers introduce their products to the international market. In order to increase the competitiveness of products, manufacturers must to apply appropriate public advertising to better serve foreign consumers. With sound, image, color, TV advertisement combining the features of newspapers, magazine and radio, has become one of the most eye-catching form of advertising. Puns are widely used in TV advertisement for their simple and concise features. It is a key rhetorical device which effectively highlights the products, but at the same time, the translation of pun among the most difficult part for many translators. Thus this dissertation for the research of business TV translation has important significance.
With the guidance of Skopostheorie, this dissertation had deeply research of Pun in Business Advertising on TV. Skopostheorie pointed out that both the translation strategies and translation behavior had a variety of purposes. The translator should translate according to the specific circumstances of the need to select different strategies. Business Advertising on TV aims to translatee relative information to consumers, to rouse the interest of consumers and to induce them to buy goods. Thus this dissertation emphasize on that I should make full use the translator's initiative and find the corresponding "appropriate text" to meet the requirements of the purpose of the advertisement.
Key Words: Business Advertising; Pun; Skopostheorie; Translation strategies
中文摘要:随着世界经济的迅猛发展,全球范围内的商品流通速度更快,范围更广。越来越多的国外商品进入中国,与此同时,国内的许多厂家也把他们的产品推向国际市场。要想自己的产品在国际市场上更有竞争力,众厂家必需使用恰当的广告以便他们的产品服务更好的为国外消费者了解并接受。电视商业广告由于兼有报纸、杂志和广播的视听特色,以声、像、色兼备,听、视、读并举,生动活泼的特点, 成为最引人注目的广告形式。双关语由于其简洁凝练,新颖别致的特点能够突出商业电视广告的效果,因此被大量应用在商业电视广告语中,是商业电视广告中较为常见的一种修辞手法,其翻译既是难点又是重点。因而,对商业电视广告中双关语翻译的研究具有重要的意义。