Abstract:George Orwell’s Animal Farm is one of the most familiar books in world literature. The author describes all kinds of animals with different character traits by the use of personification in the form of allegory. It satirizes totalitarianism and the persons who always hunger for power, and exposed their hideous features incisively and vividly. George Orwell’s brilliant writing skills is exposed in Animal Farm. Moreover, it shows us fully that George Orwell applies flexibly the use of black humor.
This thesis will synthesize rhetoric, literature and political meaning from references, probing into the features of black humor of Animal Farm—the realistic reflection of the theme and the anti-hero protagonists. By analyzing how animals violate the Seven Commandments and move toward totalitarian control, it points out that due to the selfish nature of human being and the imbalance of power, people’s fight for equality and freedom is doomed to be fruitless.
Key words: George Orwell; Animal Farm; black humor