Abstract:In recent years, researchers at home and abroad have attached great importance to the studies of female consciousness. Accordingly, various studies on female consciousness have been evoked both in foreign countries and in China. Nevertheless, most of these studies focused their attention mainly on female rights relative to practical issues such as politics, economy, education and so on. However, this study attempts to explore how female consciousness originated from a literary angle.
In this study, we first get a general knowledge of the current situation concerning female consciousness, and then we search for information on the chosen subject. Through reading literary works and summarizing previous studies, we find out that most of the theses focused on different characters between these two heroines. We will study different social backgrounds in the 19c in these two countries along with their different personalities so as to find out what lead to the different fates of the two heroines and under which circumstance should female consciousness exist and develop. We hope that this study will shed some insights into the process of female consciousness.
Key Words: Jane Eyre; Anna Karenina; different fates; female consciousness