Abstract:Robinson Crusoe was the first novel written by Deniel Defoe when his was 59 years old and the first publication was in April 25, 1719. This novel is considered to be the first novel written in the form of diary in English and enjoys the first reality novel status. It was widely acclaimed by readers and critics when it was published and, encouraged by the great success of the novel, Deniel Defoe created more novels and won him the title: Father of English and European novels. Defoe created a new figure----Robinson Crusoe, who can face the nature challenge bravely. Robinson disdains stable life, is fond of expanding, abandons the well-off family and chooses to go sailing again and again. Concerning the interpretation of this masterpiece, many previous studies have pointed out its profound themes and cultural implications. Starting from a different perspective, this research, based on Robinson making choices to go sailing, by initiating a close-reading of the stylistic features of this novel, and by comparing three times’ choices (to go sailing) and different destinies, explains that choices make decisive effect on destinies
It is the hope of the author that the present study will bring some new light to the interpretation of this great work.
Key Words: Robinson Crusoe, go sailing, choices, destinies
摘要:《鲁滨逊漂流记》是由丹尼尔·笛福59岁时所著的第一部小说,首次出版于1719年4月25日。这本小说被认为是第一本用英文以日记形式写成的小说,享有英国第一部现实主义长篇小说的头衔。一经问世就受到读者和评论界的好评,这部小说的成功使他的创作源源不断,让他获得了 “英国和欧洲小说之父”的称号。笛福在书中塑造了一个勇于面对自然挑战的新型人物——鲁滨孙·克鲁索。他不甘平庸,倾心开拓,三番五次的抛开小康家庭,航海闯天下。关于该小说的阐释,不少学者做出了卓有成效的探索,但这些研究多着眼于解读其主题和文化内涵。 本论文从鲁滨逊多次选择出海闯天下入手,采用文本细读的方法,通过对比他三次的选择(出海)和不同的命运,来阐释选择决定命运的道理。
关键词:《鲁滨逊漂流记》 出海 选择 命运