Abstract:It is widely acknowledged that advertisements can be served as an effective tool to communicate and convey information. Recent years, the study on advertisement has attracted wide attention among linguists and experts. According to the linguists, advertisements haven’t expressed the information to the audience directly. Instead, puns are widely used in advertisement to indirectly express information to the audience. Thus, it is necessary and important to study and analyze the puns in English advertisement. Advertisement is to be the main form of communication to transmit all kinds of information, and Relevance Theory is to be an inferential theory of communication, and that the theory is put forward to account for how the audience makes an inference of the intended meaning of the advertiser. Therefore, based on Relevance Theory by Sperber and Wilson, the author attempts to study puns including definition, characteristic, function and classification. The paper is supposed to achieve the following three goals. Firstly, it can help advertisers have a good attempt of the puns in advertisements. Secondly, the audience can exactly gain the intention of the advertiser in the best cognitive context. Thirdly, the advertisers can make use of the puns in English advertisement.
Key Words: English advertisement; Relevance theory; Ostension; Context
因此,根据斯宾塞和威尔森的关联理论, 作者将尝试去研究双关语,其中包括其定义、特征、功能以及分类。从本文中可以得出以下三个目的。第一,有助于广告主在广告中有一个好的尝试。第二,观众能够在最佳认知领域中准确获得广告主的意图。第三,有助于广告主充分利用英语广告中的双关语。
关键词:英语广告; 关联理论;明示;语境