Abstract:Skopostheorie is one of the famous translation theories and plays a guiding role in translators’ translation practice. The basic rules of Skopostheorie include the Skopos rule, the coherence rule, and the fidelity rule. With the purpose of translation, translators should ensure that the target text must be coherent and faithful to the source text. This paper attempts to discuss the translation strategies of Guangdong dish names under the guidance of Skopostheorie. Full understanding of the source text is the first step of translation, so this paper firstly talks about the features of Guangdong cuisine and features of Guangdong dish names. Guangdong cuisine emphasizes color, aroma, and taste and it is famous for its exquisite cutting skills and consummate cooking techniques. In naming Guangdong dishes, four-character expressions, numbers, allusions, and metaphors are frequently used. The purpose of translating Guangdong dish names is to make the readers in the target language understand the dish information, cultural elements, and aesthetic value. Some translation strategies are given for the translation of Guangdong dishes under the guidance of Skopostheorie, mainly including literal translation, literal translation with explanatory remarks, free translation, literal translation plus free translation, and transliteration with explanatory remarks.
Key words: Skopostheorie; Guangdong dish names;features; functions;strategies