The Critics’ Values and Their Evaluations on Shylock
摘 要
学界有很多关于评论《威尼斯商人》中的夏洛克形象及其性格的文章, 有人提出,这种从同一作品中得出不同结论和看法的原因是文化差异。本文认为,性格是内在价值观念的外在形式,形象也是由价值观决定的。由于文化差异、宗教信仰不同和成长环境不同,评论家的思维方式也不同。本文通过分析为什么不同的评论家对夏洛克会得出不同的结论,作者认为,评论家本人的价值观是决定其对夏洛克性格与形象认同的主要原因。
关键词:夏洛克; 价值观念; 读者评价
Thousands of articles have been written on Shylock in The Merchant of Venice, some point out that cultural differences are the reason why critics show so large difference on attitude of Shylock. Generally speaking, both character and image are outside signals of inner power and virtually controlled by it, that is, the conception of values. However, due to different religious belief and growing environment, critics have different inclination on the values of Shylock. Through studying different responses of critics, the author indicates why critics draw up different evaluations on image and character of Shylock lies in varied values of critics.
Key words: Shylock; conception of values; readers’ evaluation