Abstract:Jane Austen is a great English novelist. Northanger Abbey is her first novel, which contains many features of Gothic novel. In Northanger Abbey, the author employs Gothic elements and tries to satirize and subvert them. She ridicules people’s desire for something mysterious and supernatural. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the elements of Gothic novel in Austen’s Northanger Abbey, and find out how they are satirized and subverted by the author.
The thesis is divided into five chapters. Chapter one is a brief introduction to Jane Austen and her great work, Northanger Abbey. Chapter two introduces the origin and features of Gothic novel. Chapter three is devoted to the analysis of Gothic elements embodied in the novel, such as mysterious setting and atmosphere, psychological depiction and Gothic characterization. Chapter four focuses on the subversion of Gothic tradition. Chapter five serves as a conclusion, presenting the purpose of writing this thesis—to reveal Jane Austen’s great intelligence in writing and her great influence in modern English novels.
Keywords: Jane Austen Northanger Abbey Gothic elements psychological depiction
Gothic characterization
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 An Introduction to Jane Austen-1
1.2 An Introduction to Northanger Abbey-2
Chapter Two Introduction to Gothic Novel-3
2.1 Origin of Gothic Novel-3
2.2 Features of Gothic Novel-3
Chapter Three Gothic Elements in Northanger Abbey-5
3.1 An Atmosphere of Mystery-5
3.2 Psychological Depiction-6
3.3 General Tilney, a Gothic Character-7
Chapter Four A Subversion of Gothic Tradition-9
4.1 A Ridicule on Gothic Novel-9
4.2 Presentation of an Unconventional Gothic Heroine-10
4.3 Catherine’s Awareness of Her Naivety-11
Chapter Five Conclusion-13