Abstract:Foreign trade English translation mistakes are constantly made in foreign trade business, especially the lexical mistakes. Properly understanding the words and appropriate diction are the premises to guarantee the qualified translation. Based on the features of foreign trade English vocabulary and its translation principles, this thesis analyzes the common mistakes in foreign trade English translation and gives some relevant strategies in the hope of offering favorable reference for foreign trade English learners and professionals.
This thesis is composed of four chapters. Chapter One is introduction to the background and the significance of the study and the structure of the thesis. Chapter Two is mainly about some important theories such as foreign trade English and its features; foreign trade English vocabulary and its features; principles of foreign trade English translation at lexical level. Chapter Three is the main part of the thesis. It analyzes in details the common mistakes in foreign trade English translation at lexical level and offers relevant strategies. Chapter Four is the Conclusion.
Keywords: foreign trade English foreign trade English vocabulary translation mistakes lexical level strategy
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The Research Background-1
1.2 Significance of the Study-1
1.3 The Structure of the Thesis-1
Chapter Two FTE and FTE Vocabulary-3
2.1 FTE and Its Features-3
2.2 FTE Vocabulary and Its Features-4
2.3. Principles of FTE Translation at Lexical Level-4
Chapter Three Lexical Mistakes in FTE Translation and Their Countermeasures-6
3.1 Lexical Mistakes in FTE Translation-6
3.1.1 Polysemy Mistakes-6
3.1.2 Mistakes Caused by Converting Abstract Words into Specific Ones-7
3.1.3 Errors Due to the Shift of Meaning by Making the Word Plural-8
3.2 Causes of Lexical Mistakes in FTE Translation-9
3.2.1 Lacking Adequate Professional Knowledge.-9
3.2.2 Doing the Translation Literally.-9
3.2.3 Not Duly Updating the Vocabulary, Especially the Chinese- Culture-loaded Ones.-9
3.3 Countermeasures to Lexical Mistakes in FTE Translation-10
Chapter Four Conclusion-12