Abstract:In the process of globalization, the cultures of different countries are intermingling with each other. Chinese cuisine, as the treasure of Chinese culture, is also going global. Thus, the bridge of culture communication, dish name translation, is extremely important. Guided by the Skopos Theory, the author tries to study the features of Chinese dish names and make analysis of them. At the same time, the author analyzes some translation errors and illustrates them with a variety of examples. Finally, based on the different functions the translator emphasizes, the author puts forward two translation strategies: literal translation and free translation from the perspective of Skopos Theory. As a result, the Skopos Theory is made full use of in the translation of dish names.
Key words: Chinese dish names ; Skopos Theory; translation strategies
1. Introduction1
2. An Overview of Skopos Theory.2
2.1 Brief Introduction to Skopos Theory
2.2 Four Representatives of Skopos Theory
2.3 Four Rules of Skopos Theory
3. Features and Some Translation Problems of Chinese Dish Names4
3.1 Features of Chinese Dish Names
3.1.1 Frequent Use of Rhetorical Devices
3.1.2 Frequent Use of Four-character Expressions
3,1,3 Frequent Use of Auspicious Words
3.1.4 Frequent Use of Numbers or Places
3.2 Some Translation Errors in Chinese Dish Names
3.2.1 Linguistic Translation Errors
3.2.2 Pragmatic Translation Errors
3.2.3 Cultural Translation Errors
4. Suggested Approaches to Chinese Dish Names Translation7
4.1 Literal Translation
4.2 Free Translation
5. Conclusion.10