Abstract:The mutual understanding and toleration of Chinese culture and English culture can benefit the relationship between the two nations. Animal words in both Chinese and English play an important role in daily life and literary works. Thus, animal words are worth researching.
The essay first states the relationship between culture and language, then analyzes four factors related to culture that lead to the differences of the connotations of animal words, namely, history, region and convention and aesthetic value-oriented and social mentality. For example, dragon means “龙” in Chinese. To Chinese people, 龙is something sacred and powerful and has been regarded as the symbolization of the Chinese nation. That’s why the Chinese like to call themselves the descendants of the dragon. However, this is not understood by the English-speaking people, because in their minds, dragon represents evil. Next, the essay analyzes two similarities of the connotations of animal words between Chinese and English. It also points out the significance of the research for English learning and translation activities, as well as the promotion of the relationship between the two nations.
Key words: animal words; differences and similarities; culture
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature Review-2
3. Culture and Language-2
4. Animal Words in Chinese and English-5
4.1 Differences in Cultural Connotations-5
4.1.1 History-5
4.1.2 Region-6
4.1.3 Conventions-7
4.1.4 Aesthetic Value-orientation and Social Mentality-8
4.2 Similarities in Cultural Connotations-10
4.2.1 Living Environment-10
4.2.2 Animals’ Features-11
5. Conclusion-12
Works Cited-13