Abstract:According to Skopos theory, the purpose and the function of translation version should be realized. Then, all the factors which will block it are regarded as mistranslation.
As one of the most famous historical cities in China, Xi’an has a large number of tourism attractions and attracts more and more foreign tourists every year. However, there are many mistranslations in the C-E translation of tourist publicity materials. It will negatively affect the communicative purpose with foreign tourists and lessens the charm of Xi’an in the international community. According to Nord, the delegate of Skopos theory, the mistranslation can be divided into four categories: linguistic, pragmatic, cultural and text-specific mistranslation. On the basis of survey of tourist publicity materials around Xi’an, the author find that there are two major kinds of mistranslation: pragmatic and cultural mistranslation.
Based on the skopos theory, this thesis classifies and analyzes the mistranslation existing in Xi’an tourist publicity materials, and the main reason for these mistranslations. Then, the thesis put forward four kinds of translation strategies: rewriting, analogy, addition, and transliteration and explanation, in order to improve the quality of tourist publicity materials translation.
Keywords: Xi’an TMP mistranslation translating strategies
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 The Background and Significance of This Study-1
1.2 Skopos Theory-1
1.3 Brief for Xian’s Tourist Publicity Materials-2
1.4 The Structure of This Thesis-2
Chapter two Literature Review-3
2.1 Previous Studies on Skopos Theory-3
2.2 The Previous Study of Tourist Publicity Materials’Translation in China-3
2.2.1. From the Point of Functionalist Theory-3
2.2.2. From the Point of Cross-Cultural Communication-4
2.2.3. From the Point of Mistranslation Existing in Translated TPM-4
Chapter Three The Mistranslation Analysis of and Translating Strategies for Xi’an’s TPM-6
3.1 Pragmatic Mistranslation-6
3.1.1 Pragma-Linguistic Mistranslation-6
3.1.2 Translating Strategy for Pragma-Linguistic Mistranslation–Rewriting-7
3.1.3 Social-Pragmatic Mistranslation-7
3.1.4 Strategy for Social-Pragmatic Mistranslation-Analogy-8
3.2 Cultural Mistranslation-9
3.2.1 Cultural Mistranslation Caused by the Cultural Terms-9
3.2.2 Strategy for Cultural Terms-Transliteration and Explanation-9
3.2.3 Cultural Mistranslation Caused by Chinese Literary Allusions-10
3.2.4 Strategy for Chinese Literary Allusions-Addition-10
Chapter Four Conclusion-12
4.1 Major Findings-12
4.2 Limitations-12