Abstract:Joyce Carol Oates is an American novelist. As a female writer, she is good at expressing her sympathy and care for the weak, especially the women. The Falls, which was published in 2004, is viewed as one of her great works. Since its publication, it has attracted great attention. The novel reveals common Americans’ love, marriage and family life. It depicts two main female characters, Ariah and Nina, who fight against the authority bravely to get their equality in the male-dominated society. Bases on the theory of feminism, this paper attempts to explore how they fight against the authority to strive for equal rights and survival of self-esteem.
The thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter One is a brief introduction to Joyce Carol Oates and The Falls. Chapter Two mainly focuses on the theory of feminism. Chapter Three makes an analysis of the feminist consciousness embodied in the novel. Chapter Four draws the conclusion.
Keywords: Joyce Carol Oates The Falls Feminism
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Research on Joyce Carol Oates and Her Works-1
1.2 A Brief Introduction to The Falls-2
1.3 The Composition of the Thesis-2
Chapter Two Theory of Feminism-4
2.1 Basic Theory of Feminism-4
2.2 The Development of Feminism-4
2.3 Feminist Consciousness in Oates’ Works-4
Chapter Three The Projection of Feminism in The Falls-6
3.1 Ariah’s Survival of Self-esteem-6
3.1.1 The Widow Bride of The Falls-6
3.1.2 The Wife of Dirk-7
3.1.3 A Mother with Three Children-9
3.2 Nina’s Hard Struggle against the Unfair Fate-9
3.2.1 Persistence to the Justice-9
3.2.2 Misunderstanding from Others-10
3.2.3 Judicial Corruption-11
Chapter Four Conclusion-13