Abstract:Vagueness is an inherent feature of human language which is objective and unavoidable. For the sake of strategy, diplomats with some specific intention frequently communicate by vague language. Based on Skopos Theory and its three principles, this thesis mainly makes a study on translation tactics employed in diplomatic vague language. It stresses that translators with particular diplomatic aim in mind should achieve the diplomatic intention in communication by different translation methods under the guidance of Skopos Theory.
Keywords: The Skopos Theory diplomatic language vagueness translation methods
Chapter One Introduction-1
1.1 Research Background-1
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Study-2
1.3 Overall Organization of the Thesis-2
Chapter Two Skopos Theory and Its Application in Translation-3
2.1 The Development of Skopos Theory in History-3
2.2 Introduction to Skopos Theory-4
2.2.1 The Concept of Skopos Theory-5
2.2.2 Three Rules in Skopos Theory-5
Chapter Three Translation of Diplomatic Vague Language under Skopos Theory-8
3.1 Diplomatic Language and Its Features-8
3.2 The Feasible Application of the Three Rules of Skopos Theory to the Translation of Diplomatic Vague Language-9
3.2.1 The Use of Skopos Rule in Translation-10
3.2.2 The Use of Coherence Rule in Translation-10
3.2.3 The Use of Fidelity Rule in Translation-11
3.3 Two Other Translation Methods for the Translation of Diplomatic Vague Language-12
3.3.1 To Translate in a Vague Way-12
3.3.2 To Translate in a Precise Way-13
Chapter Four Conclusion-14