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  • 更新时间:2015-08-31
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Abstract:This thesis firstly gives a brief introduction of AIDA principle, and then it discuss the relation between AIDA principle and Ads translation. The following is the introduction of the concept of Ads, the features of Ads translation and the relationship between AIDA principle and advertisement translation. The major part of this thesis is the application of AIDA principle in Ads translation. It analyzes the requirement for translators and their preparation for Ads translation under the guidance of AIDA principle, and discusses the application of AIDA principle in advertisement translation from the perspectives of language transformation, cultural transmission, psychological expectation and rhetorical devices. From the analysis of the AIDA principle in four aspects, this thesis concludes that translators should try their best to arouse customers’ attention and interest by taking those four factors into consideration when they translate Ads under the guidance of AIDA principle. It proves that using the AIDA principle can make translations more in line with the needs of receivers, and can help to achieve the goal of products promotion.

Keywords: AIDA principle  Ads translation  cultural transformation  psychological expectation





Chapter One Introduction-1

1.1 Origination of AIDA-1

1.2 Overall Organization of the Thesis-1

Chapter Two The Relation of AIDA Principle and ADs Translation-2

2.1 Analysis of the Elements of AIDA-2

2.2 The Concept of Advertising-3

2.3 The Features of Advertisement Translation-3

2.4 The Relationship between AIDA Principle and Ads Translation-4

Chapter Three The Application of AIDA principle in Ads Translation-6

3.1Preparation for Ads Translation under the Guidance of AIDA-6

3.1.1The Preparation for Translation-6

3.1.2 Understanding of the Principle of AIDA-6

3.2 Application of the AIDA Principle in Ads Translation-8

3.2.1Analysis of AIDA Application from the Point of Language Transformation-8

3.2.2 Analysis of AIDA Application from the Point of Cultural Transmission-9

3.2.3 Analysis of AIDA Application from the Point of Psychological Expectation-11

3.2.4 Analysis of AIDA Application from the Point of Rhetorical Devices-12

Chapter Four Conclusion-14


