Abstract:Product life cycle involves a set of marketing plans, and it consists of four periods, beginning, growth, maturity and declining. Company should adopt different marketing strategies in different periods.
The electronic products are changing faster, and the life cycle is shorter. Most of the companies use the common marketing mix and don’t adapt to the competitive situation which is changing, so in the past 5 years, some of them have been out of the market.
However, Apple Inc. has become one of the most famous electronic companies these years, and its products are the hottest in the world. The main reason is Apple Inc. dose not follows the traditional marketing strategies. This thesis will introduce the flexible marketing strategies and analyze the secrets for its big success.
Key words: product life cycle; marketing strategies; electronic product; Apple Inc.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction-1
2. Development of the Whole Electronic Market-2
2.1 Success-2
2.2 Difficulties and failure-3
2.3 Reasons for the failure-3
3. Success of Apple Inc.-4
3.1 Large marketing share-4
3.3 Better return-5
4. Reasons for Its Success-6
4.1 The marketing strategies in its beginning-6
4.1.1 Product-6
4.1.2 Price-6
4.1.3 Place-7
4.2 The marketing strategies in its growth-7
4.2.1 Product-7
4.2.2 Promotion-7
4.3 The marketing strategies in its maturity-8
4.3.1 Product-8
4.3.2 Price-8
4.3.3 Promotion-9
4.4 The marketing strategies in its declining-9
4.4.1 Product-9
4.4.2 Price and place-9
5. Suggestions to the Domestic Electronic Market-11
6. Conclusion-13