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  • 更新时间:2015-02-05
  • 论文字数:4738
  • 课题出处:(小姿)提供原创资料
  • 资料包括:完整论文,开题报告,任务书


Abstract: Moby Dick is considered to be a masterpiece of American novelist Herman Melville and the world's most symbolic novel. The author presents a mysterious universe to readers. The universe is not something that we can judge easily, and it is even impossible to judge. Symbolism the author uses in his novel draws readers into a world of mysteries. The novel contains so many symbols. They symbolize a lot of conflicting elements in the universe. The universe is composed of contradicting elements and forces. Moby Dick symbolizes both good and evil; the voyage symbolizes both the doom of human life and an exploration of the universe; Ahab is both a hero and a devil. This paper aims to analyze the symbolic meanings of “Moby Dick”, “the whaling ship” and “Captain Ahab” to illustrate Melville's views on the relationship between man and nature.

Key words: Moby Dick, symbolism, man, nature  


摘 要: 《白鲸》是美国作家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的代表作,被认为是世界上最有象征意义的小说之一。作者在《白鲸》中向读者呈现一个神秘的宇宙。我们不能轻易地评判宇宙。作者运用象征主义手法把读者吸引到一个神秘的世界。很多要素在这部小说有不同的象征意义,象征着宇宙矛盾的元素,宇宙遍布矛盾的元素和力量。这部小说里的主人公之一白鲸既象征着善又象征着恶; 这次航海本身既象征着人类生活的厄运又象征着对人类生活最终真理的追求;而它的船长亚哈伯既是英雄的一面的象征又是人类本质中邪恶的一面的象征。本文旨在通过分析《白鲸》中的“莫比·迪克”,“捕鲸船”和“船长亚哈”的象征意义来阐述麦尔维尔关于人与自然和谐相处的自然观。


