Abstract:Amy Tan is a Chinese-American female writer much influenced by her father’s western culture and her mother’s eastern culture. She is well-known by her best-seller novel The Joy Luck Club, which is to seek for the balance between the duality of different cultural identity. It has been well received since it was published in 1989. The Joy Luck Club tells the stories about the hardship of four women who emigrated from China to America before liberation of China, as well as the conflicts and reconciliation with their American-born daughters. The four mothers were on behalf of Chinese culture; and the four daughters were on behalf of American culture. Through the description of the mothers’ memories and the daughters’ experience in The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan shows the conflict between the mothers and the daughters, that is to say, between Chinese culture and American culture.
This paper will analyze the mothers’ effects on their daughters, and the processes of these daughters accept the impact. The mothers’ influence on their daughters is their Chinese cultural impacts on them and also shows that Chinese culture and American culture are syncretized to some extent.
This paper will be divided into three parts: the first part is the introduction of the novel and the whole paper; the second part analyzes the four Chinese mother’s impact on their daughters; the third part reaches the conclusion: The Chinese mothers in The Joy Luck Club have great effects on their American daughters. The mothers’ influence on their daughters is their Chinese cultural impacts on them and also shows that Chinese culture and American culture are syncretized to some extent.
Key words: Amy Tan; The Joy Luck Club; Impact;
摘要:谭恩美是美国华裔著名女性作家,她的畅销小说《喜福会》自1989年出版以来深受各界好评。该书描写了解放前夕从中国大陆移居美国的四位女性的生活波折,以及她们与美国出生的女儿之间的心理隔膜、感情冲撞、哀哀怨怨。 通过对四位母亲的回忆和女儿们的经历的描写,谭恩美向读者揭示了母女两代人所代表中美文化间的冲突。