Abstract:Daily chemical products have something to do with the national economy and the people’s livelihood. With the remarkable achievement of Chinese economy, Chinese market has become the main target of foreign companies to invest and sell their products. Almost all Top50 companies such as P&G, Unilever are strongly present in China so that the local companies are facing immense challenges. Nowadays, our local daily chemical brands are less competitive in fierce market competition. Several local brands have been acquired by their foreign counterparts and they have become a part of “foreign brands family.” Only a few local brands are still struggling for survival. In Chinese market, the daily chemical brands are still various and sometimes difficult for consumers make a quick choice.
This paper first briefly describes daily chemical industry, product ranges and market position of each major manufacturer in China. Then it analyzes the difference of foreign and local daily chemical products, illustrated by some successful sales cases and models. The paper concludes with some suggested strategies for Chinese daily chemical companies.
Keywords: China and foreign daily chemical brands, P&G, Unilever, Nice
Chapter 1 Introduction-1
1.1 The Definition of Daily Chemical Industry and Introduction of Products1
1.2 Economic Position of Daily Chemical Industry in China. 1
1.3 Brand Marketing Theory2
Chapter 2 P&G vs Unilever-4
2.1 Introduction of P&G and its Products-4
2.2 Introduction of Unilever and its Products-6
2.3 Competition and Strategy between P&G and Unilever in Laundry products-7
2.3.1CLEAR Challenge Hairs & Shoulders.8
2.3.2 How Hairs & Shoulders Fight back.9
Chapter 3 The Rising of Local Shampoo—C-BONS-10
3.1 Introduction of C-BONS and its Products-10
3.2 The Development History of C-BONS in Chinese Market.10
3.3 The Marketing Strategy of C-BONS in Shampoo Industry.10
3.4 The Shortcoming of C-BONS.11
Chapter 4 Nice——the Pride of National Enterprise.13
4.1 Introduction of Nice and its Products13
4.2 The way of Nice to success in Laundry Industry13
4.3 Nice vs P&G.14
Chapter 5 Liushen——the first body wash brand in summer of China15
5.1 Introduction of Jahwa and Liushen15
5.2 The Successful Strategies of Liushen.15
5.3 The Bright Future of Liushe16
Chapter 6 Conclusion-17