Abstract: With the rapid development of Chinese economy, English, as a major language to communicate with people from other countries, is very important nowadays. However, for non-native students, it is difficult to learn English well. A large number of middle school students have poor academic performance, and English learning difficulty becomes a big problem in school. To find the reason and the way to help the ELDS out of the difficulty is an intractable problem for foreign language teaching. Within the framework of educational psychology second language acquisition theory, this paper aims to analyze and discuss the current situation and causes of ELDS and put forward some suggestions and ideas, with the hope of assisting educators in improving the methodology on teaching.
Key words: English learning difficulty students, current situation of ELDS, factors, learning motivation
摘要: 随着中国经济世界化步伐的加快,英语作为最主要的交流语言,显得尤其重要。然而,由于英语毕竟不是本族语言,学习起来有一定难度,致使中学里很多学生的英语很差。英语学困生现象日益严重。是什么原因导致这种情况,如何帮助这些学困生走出困境,是中学外语教学亟待解决的问题。本文以教育心理学及二语习得理论为框架,旨在分析和探讨英语学困生的现状及形成原因,提出一些参考性的建议和意见,希望能够帮助教学工作者改进教学方法,从而促进学困生英语水平的提高。