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  • 更新时间:2015-01-27
  • 论文字数:5425
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Abstract: Ernest Hemingway is a famous American writer, a mouthpiece of the Lost Generation, world-class literature master, the Nobel Literature Prize winner. His writing style and life attitude of the characters in the novels influenced the whole world. And the reasons of his suicide are different. This article based on the growth of Hemingway's experiences, character traits, social background and several representative of the novel, proves the causes of death consciousness forms. On the other hand, the author of this article believes that religion, philosophy, and other factors also had a profound influence on his life, creation and the world outlook, and also is an essential factor in his suicidal complex forming process. Finally, through re-examine Hemingway's suicidal complex and “the dauntless man on” the spirit, we can not only be more thorough and accurate understanding of their own people, but also to deepen the connotation of its exploration work.

Keywords: Hemingway; suicidal complex; death consciousness; religious factors; philosophy



关键词:海明威 自杀情结 死亡意识 宗教因素 哲学

