Abstract: As the carrier of culture, every language is laden with idioms. Both in English and Chinese, idioms are their core and cream. Most idioms carry rich and vivid images, reflecting cultural features. Thus, it is rather important for a translator to master some strategies for image translation. There are cultural and language universals between some English and Chinese Idioms so that literal translation of image reproduction can be used. More often than not, however, there are also cultural differences between them, such as the differences of living circumstances, customs, religions, historical allusions and mythology, literary works and the differences of cognitions of objective things. These can be solved by such other strategies for image translation as free translation by changing or dropping or adding the images.
Key words: idiom,culture,translation,image
摘要: 作为文化的载体,每种语言都不乏习语。在英汉两种语言中,习语都是其核心与精华。大多数习语形象丰富生动,反映出文化特征。因此,对于译者来说,掌握形象翻译策略是尤为重要的。当一些英汉习语具有文化和语言上的共性时,可以使用再现形象直译法。然而英汉习语之间多有诸如不同的生存环境、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、历史典故与神话、文学艺术以及对客观事物的认识不同等方面的差异,这些可以通过转换、舍弃、增添形象意译法等其他形象翻译策略来解决。
关键词: 习语,文化,翻译,形象