Abstract:William Blake,(1757-1827) is “a famous English poet and painter, one of the leading poets in the pre-romantic period, and also the most mysterious poet in all English literature history ”(Sun Xizhen 1932) Blake’s short poems are neat and clear in form, but profound and sharp in meaning; his long poems can be the invention of himself, in both meaning and form”(Wang Zuoliang,1991) Songs of Experience is one of the most important poetry anthologies of Blake, while The Tyger is the most famous poem in it. This masterwork enjoys great popularity among readers, and is always highly regarded by critics.
The Tyger has been taken as a symbolic poem. It looks like an obscure modern poem, and remains puzzling after critics have pondered over it a hundred times. But most of the readers believe that it symbolizes the revolutionary force. We think that the creative techniques and purposes of The Tyger are multiplex and should not be considered simply as a certain one. An analysis is to be made in the four aspects below: the author and the background of The Tyger, the artistic techniques of The Tyger, significance of the word “Tiger”, and the core spirit of The Tyger.
Key words: Blake; Tiger; analyze; technique; background
中文摘要:威廉·布莱克(1757---1827)“是英国卓越的诗人和画家,是早期浪漫主义的主要代表之一,也是英国文学史上最大的神秘家”。(孙席珍 1932) “无论就内容的尖锐性和表现力上的有力和美丽来说,他的短诗是前无古人的,他的长诗,就连形式都是一种独创,其深刻的内容在今后若干年内都会有人去发掘。毫无疑问布莱克是全部英语诗歌史上最重要的诗人之一。”(王佐良,1991)