Abstract:Since the end of 1970s, the researches of reading strategy have become hot issues,and most experts and learners have contributed their time and energy to research it. Reading strategies are defined by some specialists as mental operations relating to how readers perceive a task, what textual cues they attend to, how they make sense of what they read, and what they do when they do not understand In fact, reading strategy is to use some strategies when you make some specific reading tasks. It includes a series of cognitive psychological activity,and the effective use of reading strategy will definitely enhance the students’ reading efficiency .
This study aims to research the situation of non-English majors’ English reading strategies use and put forward some practicable suggestions to help students learn English.
The results of the study indicate that the situation of non-English majors’ English reading strategies use is of middle level. In all reading strategies, the use of metacognitive strategy is weak. The results show that the students with high scores have obviously higher frequency of strategy use than the ones with low scores,especially in metacognitive strategy use. The difference of Region and nationality has not prominent effect for reading strategies use.
Key words: Non –English majors; reading strategies; metacognitive strategies; cognitive strategies; survey
关键词 非英语专业 ;英语阅读策略;元认知策略;认知策略;调查