Abstract:D. H. Lawrence (1885—1930) was born in Eastwood. His father was an ordinary miner, a drunk and even an illiterate. But his mother, on the contrary, came from a scholarly family, influenced Lawrence all his lifelong, especially his early lives.
Lawrence grew up in the lower class, but his mother’s strong expectation to him and his own talent made him possible to jump out this lower class. And finally he made it; and he became a great figure known as a novelist, essayist, literary critic, and educator.
The life of Lawrence was romantic, because of his enthusiasm on love and woman. His life was also solitary, because he never stepped into the main stream of the contemporary time. His life was full of pain, because the illness and poverty haunted him.
Lawrence never stopped escaping, seeking and struggling in his life. His desperation and fear always go along with his solitude and exile, which nobody knows. All his novels seemed like his monologue, and the answer, which took his lifelong time to seek for, was never found.
This thesis is to explore the writer’s deep heart by means of Lawrence’s life, and the analysis of his works, and why he chose to be an outsider and what sex and love meant to him.
A man is just like a never grown up child. So was Lawrence, but it was him who eloped with Frieda, fighting with the main literary stream, and an outsider of his beloved country.
This is Lawrence, a straightforward person, and infinitely an outsider.
Key Words: Outsider; Solitude; Exile; Desperation; Struggle
中文摘要:D. H. 劳伦斯(1885——1930)出生在诺丁汉矿区的伊斯特伍德。他的父亲是一名矿工,终日沉迷于酒,没有受过教育,也不会书写。但是他的母亲却来自一个书香门第,也正是这位母亲,对劳伦斯的成长起到了至关重要的作用。
关键词:局外人; 隔绝; 自我放逐; 绝望; 挣扎