ABSTRACT:The Catcher in the Rye is the masterpiece and the only long novel of Jerome David Salinger. It mainly tells the protagonist Holden, a 16-year-old adolescent, who was suffered from serious psychological trauma because of his brother Allie’s death and the two days’ adventure in New York. Meanwhile, the two days’ adventure in New York made his inner world was full of contradictions and conflicts and he lost himself gradually. Many scholars have studied about it, but few paid attention to Holden’s psychological trauma. This paper attempts to make an analysis on Holden’s psychological trauma by using Freud’s psychoanalysis, and point out it was Holden’s psychological trauma that intensified the conflicts between his super-ego and his id, and the conflicts between his ego and outside, which led to Holden’s lost the integrity of his personality structure.
Keywords: Holden; psychoanalysis; ego; id; super-ego