Abstract:Ode to the West Wind is one of the greatest influential lyrics written by Percy System Shelley. Ode to Autumn is also one of the famous lyrics on nature written by John Keats. Although the both poems describe the same theme---ode to autumn, they use different writing techniques to express their standpoints and thoughts. The essay tends to make a comparison and analysis from different angles: background of creating, the form of poem, meaning and thought, and the theme. Specially, the utilization of symbol, imagery and metaphor techniques which make readers gain something valuable and understand the meaning of poems limitlessness, and also get the ideal effects of expressing views and feelings by nature. Through analysis and comparison, readers can see obviously the differences and similarities of the two poems. Meanwhile readers also know the two poets’ feelings: love deeply nature and desire the beauty of life. Because the two poets live in the different social situation, they have dissimilar opinions to a same thing in feeling and attitude aspects. However, they both give the autumn attraction of personification.
Key words: comparison; analysis; angle; writing technique