Abstract:With the development of language acquisition studies, many scholars began to shift their attention to input, which the learners hear or receive and from which he or she can learn. Teacher talk, used by the teacher, is a very important part of input. In the context of China, almost all the learners learn English through classes. English is learned as a type of input. So teacher talk is of crucial importance in language classroom. It is not only for the effective management of the classroom, but also for the process of language acquisition. Teacher talk is the medium to achieve the teaching objective. To a large extent, a class is successful or not depends on the quality or effectiveness of teacher talk. So the thesis will survey and discuss how the teacher talk influences learner input from the quality, speed, pause and difficulty.
Key words: teacher talk; learner input; quality; speed; difficulty
摘要:目前,许多语言习得研究者的研究方向已转向学习者的输入,学习者输入就是学习者从听到、接收到或从教师用语中所学到的东西。教师用语 ,顾名思义就是教师所使用的语言。教师用语对学习者输入起着非常重要的作用。教师用语不仅是教师管理课堂的工具,也是学习者知识习得的过程。同时,教师用语还是达到教学目标的媒介。特别 是对在中国这种环境下的外语学习者,外语学习几乎是通过课堂教学来完成的,英语的学习就是一种语言习得的过程,所以教师用语对学习者输入有着非同凡响的作用。教师用语是学习者输入的重要资源渠道,这篇文章将主要从教师用语的质量、速度和难度三方面来调查研究教师用语对学习者输入的影响。