Abstract: The Woman Warrior is the first book written by Maxine Hong Kingston, who is regarded as the most distinguished American writer in contemporary Asian American literature. It was a great success when it was published in 1976. By analyzing life styles and behaviors of the five heroines, including No Name Aunt, Moon Orchid, Fa Mulan, Brave Orchid and Ts’ ai Yen in The Woman Warrior, this essay aims to reveal the message that Maxine wants to convey to the reader:The self-realization of a female from a minority group can be achieved only by fighting against racial and sex discrimination.
Key words: The Woman Warrior; Maxine Hong Kingston; self-realization; female
摘要: 小说《女勇士》是当代美国文学中最优秀的美国华裔作家汤亭亭的处女作。该书一出版,就获得巨大成功。本文通过对小说《女勇士》中五位女主人公—无名姑妈、月兰姨妈、木兰、英兰、蔡文姬—的生活方式与行为的分析,意在展现作家马克辛试图传达给读者的信息:从中国移民到美国的少数群体中的女性,唯有通过与性别歧视和种族歧视进行抗争,才能实现自我。