Abstract: The Color Purple, written by the famous Afro-American writer Alice Walker, successfully depicts a fourteen-year old black girl’s growth which shows black women’s arduous struggle for independence. At first, Celie is numb to the racial and sexual oppressoions upon her. Later she awakens and fights for her future with the help of her black sisters. In the end, she gains both economic and spiritual independence. This thesis analyzes the process of Celie’s growth by dividing it into three stages: under oppressions, awakening and rebellion, and independence. Through the analysis of each stage, this thesis aims to make it easier for the readers to understand Celie’s metamorphosis.
Key words: The Color Purple; Celie; growth
摘要: 著名的非裔美国作家艾丽斯·沃克的《紫色》成功描写了一个十四岁的黑人女孩西丽的成长过程,展示了黑人妇女走向独立之路的艰难的奋斗历程。最初西丽只是麻木的忍受着种族压迫和性别歧视,后来在黑人姐妹的帮助下她觉醒了,并且为自己的命运斗争,最终获得了经济上和精神上的独立。本文旨在通过分析并归纳西丽的成长为三个阶段:受压迫,觉醒与反抗,取得独立,来让读者能更易理解西丽的成长变化。
关键词:《紫颜色》; 西丽; 成长