Abstract:In contemperary time and society, feminism has been becoming a most considerable and attractive tidal current of thought.
Gone with the Wind was published in 1926 and adapted to the current of thought. As one of the best-selling books all over the world in 1960s, Gone with the wind has been explained by a great number of scholars. And its feminism absolutely is being attractive to the experts and researchers.
This paper separates into two parts, namely, female characters and feminism, initiates a close-reading of the stylistic features of this novella, and analyzes the feminism of the book in different aspects, such as the true feminine, the new feminine, and the self-estimate. Also, it looks into the form and the cause of feminism from the angles of the feminine thought, the feminine mind, the feminine language and the feminine image.
It is the hope of the author that the present study will bring some new light to the understanding and cognition of this great work.
Key words: Gone with the wind; feminism; feminine thought; feminine mind; feminine language
中文摘要:在现代社会生活中, 女性主义可以说是近年来备受瞩目的新思潮。
出版于1926年的《飘》生逢其时地适应了这一潮流。对于作为发表六十年来仍是全世界最畅销的小说之一, 即《飘》的阐释,不少学者做出了卓有成效,其中的女性主义更受到大量国内外学者的评论与分析。
关键词:《飘》; 女性主义; 女性思想; 女性意识; 女性话语