Abstract: Good film title translation can add fuel to movie propaganda. The ultimate goal of translation is to achieve translation equivalence in the target language. Therefore, semantic equivalence should be used in movie title translation. This can make the translation convey the original information and maximize its usefulness. This thesis concentrates on the research of the translation of film titles,and the semantic equivalence theory of translation is used to analyze translation problems. It attempts to be discussed from the aspects of the application of film title translation, relativity of the semantic equivalence in film title translation and translation methods. Furthermore, it is put forward that the film title translation and the semantic equivalence translation can fuse in together. The results has solved application of Semantic Equivalence to film title translation and the conclusion is that semantic equivalence theory is of paramount importance to the translation of film titles. This study thus provides evidence for more scholars to explore semantic equivalence problems in film title translation.
Key words: film title; semantic equivalence; method of translation; relativity
关键词:电影片名; 语义等值; 翻译方法;相对性