1. Introduction1
2. Literature Review...1
2.1 Key Concepts of Relevance Theory
2.1.1 Ostensiveinferential Communication
2.1.2 Optimal Relevance
2.2. Pun
2.2.1 Definition of Pun
2.2.2 Features of Pun
3. Analysis of Puns in Advertising from a Perspective of Relevance Theory6
3.1 Case Analysis of Puns in Advertising
3.1.1 Homophonic Pun
3.1.2 Homographic Pun
3.1.3 Grammatical Pun
3.1.4 Parody Pun
3.2 Function Analysis of Puns in Advertising
3.2.1 Attracting Attention
3.2.2 Avoiding Social Taboos
4. Conclusion..10