Abstract: Rebecca , one of Daphne du Maurier’s most influential works, presents a mysterious image , Rebecca. Although from the very beginning of the story Rebecca is dead, her power does not disappear .She seems still alive, watching and controlling the fate of all the people in Manderley through her extremely loyal servant and her lover until Manderley burned down. The other heroine in this novel, who appears as the narrator, played a role in pushing the development of the plot .Her special personality and the great transformation of her psychological state attracts readers profoundly. This paper tends to analyze narrator’ transformation of psychological state from self-unawareness to self-awareness and tries to find out the practical significance of modern society.
Key words: Rebecca ,transformation , self-unawareness , practical significance
关键词:吕蓓卡,转变, 自我意识, 现实意义