Abstract:The neologism is the symbol for development of modern society to some extent, which is inputting fresh blood for English language endlessly and promotes people’s communication and the development of English. Especially, since World War II, due to the main reasons, which are the politics, economy, science, technology and rapid change of social life and the instability of the world situation, English language produces more and more neologisms; this is largely brought great difficulties to the growing number of English learners and translators. In order to help English learners to have a better understanding of the English neologism, this paper make overall introduction by reasons for development of English neologism, word- formation rules and combined with the principles to select the correct translation methods, which are literal translation; free translation; transliteration and so on. Only in this way can English learners have a better understanding about change of the world and guide people to study and research English to achieve the purpose of cultural exchange.
Keywords: English neologism; development reasons; translation methods; after World War II
摘要:新词在某种程度上是现代社会进步的标志,新词为英语这门语言不断提供新鲜的血液,促进了英语的交流和发展。尤其是二战以来,政治、经济、科技等领域的不断发展和世界形势的讯速变化,英语中产生了更多,更大量的新词。然而国内对英语新词综合性研究不多,这在很大程度上给越来越多的英语学习者和翻译人员带来了极大的困难。为了能让他们能够更好的了解英语中新词的动向, 本文从英语新词的发展原因,产生途径等方面做出介绍,并结合英语新词翻译的可理解性、准确性、尊重原始译法等原则选择正确的翻译方法,即直译、意译、音译等方法从而达到更好的了解英语新词的变化,扩开英语学习者的思路和视野,指导英语的学习和研究,从而实现文化交流的目的。