Abstract:Adeline Virginia Woolf is an English author, essayist and writer of short stories, regarded as one of the foremost modernist literary and western feminist figures of the twentieth century. As one of the most influential novels by Virginia Woolf, Orlando is regarded as an important book in the history of woman's writing and gender studies, and is unique among Woolf’s novels in presenting itself to readers as a biography. But the majority of studies at home paid more attention to Woolf’s other masterpieces, especially her novels of stream of consciousness, such as To the Lighthouse, Mrs. Dalloway and The Waves, etc, while her novel Orlando has been largely ignored. And most studies of Orlando have focused on feminist, androgynous and lesbian themes in this work. Most scholars assume thought that Orlando is the direct and perfect reflection of Woolf’s feminist thought, but few have noticed the connection between queer theory and the Orlando. The author of this paper finds that Orlando’s experiences in the novel involve many aspects of queer theory, such as Orlando’s gender transformation after a fire, construction of identity, breaking the shackle of society and gender to find a balance between male and female, the true self and freedom. So this paper attempts to analyze Orlando’s experience of questing for self- identification and freedom from the perspective of queer theory so as to reveal ideal freedom, harmony and Orlando’s self-identification hidden in Orlando. It will offer a new perspective for better understanding of this novel.
Key words: Gender; freedom; harmony; self-identification
摘要:维吉尼亚·伍尔夫是一位著名的英国作家,评论家和短篇小说作家, 被认为是现代主义文学和二十世纪西方女权主义最重要的代表作家之一。《奥兰多》作为弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫最有影响力的小说之一,被视为女性文学和性别研究历史上重要的一部作品,而且是唯一一本伍尔夫以自传的形式呈现的小说。但大多数国内的研究更加重视伍尔夫的其他名作,尤其是她的意识流小说,如《灯塔》,《达罗卫夫人》和《海浪》等,而小说《奥兰多》在很大程度上被学者和评论家们所忽视。而且关于《奥兰多》的研究大多数集中在女权主义,雌雄同体和同性恋等主题。大多数学者认为,《奥兰多》直接而完美的反映了伍尔夫的女权主义思想,只有极少数的学者和评论家注意到了酷儿理论和《奥兰多》之间的联系。本文作者发现作品中主人公奥兰多的个人经历与酷儿理论的诸多方面相契合。在小说中,主人公奥兰多通过火灾后的性转变,重新建构身份,打破社会的性别束缚以寻找男性和女性的平衡,追寻真实的自我和自由。因此,本文将从酷儿理论的视角分析奥兰多追求自我与自由的历程,从而揭示出小说对于自由,和谐以及自我认同的诠释,为读者更好地理解这部小说提供一个新的视角。