Abstract:Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804- 1864) is a famous writer in Romantic period of American literary history. He has made a lot of works in his life, such as The Scarlet Letter, The Blithedale Romance, The Marble Faun and Mosses from an Old Manse. In addition to The Scarlet Letter is regarded as one of the most perfect works, The Marble Faun is also a classic work in American even in world literature. Family viewpoint is one of the main angles in Hawthorne’s literary works. Hawthorne was accustomed to using the way of moral criticism to reflect the intricate marriage and family issues in the United States, and had shown a detached attitude to life. As the focus of the "family viewpoint", "the viewpoint of love and marriage" has many reflects in The Marble Faun. Using the fact that the four young men become two pairs of lovers after experienced the joys and sorrows, Hawthorne aimed to show his own viewpoint of family clearly, namely, Hawthorne pursue the freedom of love and marriage, respect for the humanity and hope of equality between man and woman in family. The relationship between the formation of these viewpoints of family and Hawthorne’s life experiences, family history, and historical background are inseparable. At the same time, it proved that these kinds of viewpoints of family of Hawthorne was under the impact of the modern American marriage morality as well as of his own life experiences, of the male consciousness from the Victorian era, and of many other factors. All these factors represent Hawthorne’s contradictory world outlook.
Keywords: The Marble Faun; the viewpoint of family; love; marriage morality
摘要:霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne, 1804 一1864 )是美国文学史上著名的浪漫主义作家。他一生中创作了多部作品,如《红字》、《玉石雕像》、《福谷传奇》、《古屋青苔》,除《红字》被誉为文学史上最完美的作品之一,《玉石雕像》也是美国乃至世界文学宝库的经典。在创作上,家庭观是霍桑文学作品中主要涉及的主题之一。霍桑习惯以道德批判的方式去反映美国错综复杂的婚姻家庭问题, 并表现出超然的生活态度。作为家庭观的重点,爱情婚姻观在《玉石雕像》中有众多表现,作者实际上在借四位青年男女成为两对情侣及他们所遭遇的悲欢离合的故事旗帜鲜明地表达自己的婚恋观点,即霍桑对于婚恋自由的追求,对人性的尊重,对男女平等的向往。而这些观点的形成与霍桑的生活经历、家族历史以及时代背景等密不可分,表明了作者的家庭观受到了来自维多利亚时代的男权意识、美国现代婚姻道德以及作者自身生活经历等诸多因素的影响,借以表达霍桑矛盾的世界观。