Abstract: This paper introduces the principles of trademark translation and essential translating methods in trademark translation so as to find a good equivalence of trademark. As a particular form of translation, trademark translation is not only a matter of finding equivalent expressions in the target language for the source trademark, but also a process of transplanting cultures. This paper introduces 3 principles, namely, functional relevance, cultural adaptation, aesthetic principles. It also introduces 7 methods, including transliteration, literal translation, free translation, etc. Trademark is the concentration of commodities’ distinct characteristics, the core of commodities’ culture, and the powerful weapon for an enterprise to participate in international competitions. An enterprise’s future is closely linked with trademark translation. Therefore, aimed at expressing a good trademark, the basic standards should be followed and the basic translating methods should also be applied. In this way, the goal of attracting consumers will be realized as soon as possible.
Key words: trademark translation; principle; methods;