People are not only the language’s creators but also the users, so it is inevitably turned to differences between male and female. Due to women’s special role in the life, such as being mothers, the main organizers and undertakes in our daily life, the majority of teachers are females, and so on, makes the influence of female language greatly surpass male language. In the long time control of patriarchy, women are forced to be placed at a kind of marginal position in society. They are undoubtedly considered unimportant and the education they received teaches them to ignore their important and value. As Lakoff mentioned in her famous book Language and Woman’s Place: “The marginality and powerlessness of women is reflected in both the ways women are expected to speak, and the ways in which women are spoken of. In appropriate women’s speech, strong expression of feeling is avoided, expression of uncertainty is favored, and means of expression in regard to subject-matter deemed “trivial” to the “real” world are elaborated. Speech about women implies an object, whose sexual nature requires euphemism, and whose roles are derivative and dependent in relation to men.” (Robin Lakoff, 1973:46)